18:56 07.08.2020

Term of pretrial investigation in Rotterdam+ case expires on Aug 8, SAPO suspends investigation – DTEK

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Term of pretrial investigation in Rotterdam+ case expires on Aug 8, SAPO suspends investigation – DTEK

The pretrial investigation against DTEK employees in the Rotterdam + case has been suspended, DTEK energy holding said in a press release on Friday, citing lawyers.

The press service of DTEK told Interfax-Ukraine that the Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) suspended the investigation on August 3, and the pretrial investigation will expire on Saturday, August 8.

The company said in the press release that the suspension of the investigation is further evidence of the groundlessness of previously raised suspicions.

At the same time, DTEK said that they would take all legal actions to protect the company's business reputation, as well as the honor and dignity of employees in national and international courts.

As reported, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) opened criminal proceedings on March 24, 2017, within the framework of which it is investigating the actions of members of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine (NEURC), including ex-head of NEURC Dmytro Vovk, who approved the "Rotterdam +" formula. On July 1, 2019, a new model of the electricity market was launched, in connection with which the previous principles of pricing, including the "Rotterdam +" formula, were terminated, but the NABU investigation continues, and the case began to be heard in courts.



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