11:46 08.07.2022

Kyiv prosecutor admits possibility of closing schools in which it’s impossible to provide evacuation during air raid sirens

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Kyiv prosecutor admits possibility of closing schools in which it’s impossible to provide evacuation during air raid sirens

After an audit of schools and universities for studying offline, those educational institutions that cannot fully ensure the safety of children during an air raid sirens may be closed, said head of Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office Oleh Kiper.

"Currently, special commissions are conducting an audit of the readiness of schools and universities to work in an offline format. Teaching staffs are working out algorithms of actions, and in cases where the evacuation of children during air raid sirens is impossible, I admit that the commission may prohibit studying during the war," Kiper said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

According to him, the possibility of using underground parking lots located near educational institutions as shelters is also being studied.

"We rely on the city authorities in these issues – so that they ask, apply, maybe somewhere and demand to provide children with the opportunity to study," the metropolitan prosecutor stressed.

As for the possibility of the work of state kindergartens, then, as Kiper noted, this problem needs a correct solution. "Our employees also come to work with their children. We give them a vacation when they ask for it," he added.


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