18:30 06.04.2021

Ukrainian specialists to take part in NATO mission in Iraq, Maritime Guard operation – Defense Ministry

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Ukrainian specialists to take part in NATO mission in Iraq, Maritime Guard operation – Defense Ministry

Ukrainian specialists will take part in the NATO mission in Iraq and the Maritime Guard operation in the Mediterranean sea, said Yuriy Vasylyev, deputy director of the department, head of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration department of the International Defense Cooperation Department of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

"Ukraine has been a contributor to international security throughout its years of independence, and we continue, despite the aggression that we have, our contributions to missions and operations under NATO command. Now we have specialists who are in a Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and in the forces in Kosovo. But taking into account our recent proposals that have been accepted, we are now preparing to send our specialists to another two operations: the NATO mission in Iraq and the Alliance's operation Marine Guard," Vasyliev said at an online conference on Tuesda

He stressed that the Ukrainian military, hardened in battles to defend independence and territorial integrity, will be participants in these operations.

Vasyliev also pointed out that, given the status of a partner with expanded capabilities, Ukraine will be involved in five NATO exercises, which will be held on the topic of collective defense.

In addition, he noted that work is now underway to increase the level of Ukraine's representation in the governing bodies and command structures of the Alliance.

"We are entering a new stage and will work this year, hopefully in the second half of the year, to send our civilian representative of the Ministry of Defense as a so-called voluntary national contribution," Vasyliev explained.



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