09:17 30.12.2016

NSDC approves Ukraine's information security doctrine

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NSDC approves Ukraine's information security doctrine

The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine on December 29 approved Ukraine's information security doctrine drawn up by the Information Policy Ministry, according to a posting on the ministry's website.

"This document is our political vision aimed at providing for Ukraine's national security in the information sphere," Minister Yuriy Stets said.

The doctrine defines national interests in the information sphere, as well as goals, objectives, principles, directions, priorities and mechanisms of establishing and implementing the national information policy.

According to the document, priorities of the national policy in the information sphere are the following: the establishment and development of institutions responsible for information and psychological security, especially in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account practice of NATO member states; the development and protection of the technological infrastructure ensuring information security of Ukraine; the provision for a full coverage of digital broadcasting across Ukraine's territory, primarily in the border and temporarily occupied territories and other things.

The document was studied by the NSDC Office. It also includes comments from the Verkhovna Rada committee on freedom of speech and information policy, Defense Ministry, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and the National Institute for Strategic Studies (NISS).

The document was drawn up by the expert panel of the Information Policy Ministry consisting of lawmakers, experts, scientists, journalists and representative of the public.

"The document was also discussed with our European partners," the ministry said.


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