20:48 28.11.2016

Kyiv reports 20 instances of shelling of Ukrainian troops' positions in Donbas on Monday

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Kyiv reports 20 instances of shelling of Ukrainian troops' positions in Donbas on Monday

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' positions in Donbas were shelled 20 times on Monday, including from mortars and grenade launchers, the headquarters of the military operation in east of the country said.

"The enemy again concentrated the majority of shelling on the Mariupol sector in the period from midnight to 6 p.m.," the headquarters' press center said on Facebook.

Disregarding the Minsk Agreements, the enemy fired from mortars, grenade launchers and infantry fighting vehicle weapons at Shyrokyne, Starohnativka, Maryinka and Talakivka, the press center said. A sniper fired at Novotroitske and Maryinka, the Ukrainian side said.

The press center said that in Luhansk sector the enemy repeatedly shelled the populated locality of Krymske using 82mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles weapons, grenade launchers, anti-aircraft mounts and other weapons. Novooleksandrivka was also shelled.

In the Donetsk sector, the enemy used mortars, grenade launchers of various systems and small arms to fire at the positions of Ukrainian troops near Avdiyivka and Luhanske.


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