18:39 18.07.2018

Cabinet simplifies procedure for employment of foreigners in Ukraine, cancels 22 obsolete acts

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Cabinet simplifies procedure for employment of foreigners in Ukraine, cancels 22 obsolete acts

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the procedure for employment of foreigners in Ukraine and canceled 22 obsolete regulatory and legal acts from different spheres within the framework of the sixth "deregulation Cabinet."

"It's not about illegal immigrants coming to us. It's about removing completely absurd legislation norms when a person who received a permanent employment certificate from the Interior Ministry ... must leave the territory of Ukraine and come back," First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Maksym Nefyodov said at a government meeting.

In addition, the Cabinet abolished the discriminatory ban on making records in the work record book of its employees and their storage by foreign legal entities in the territory of Ukraine.

"The abolition of this requirement will allow foreign legal entities to independently make records in their employees' work books, streamline the instruction on the procedure of keeping work books of employees with the Economic Code of Ukraine, and will facilitate the unimpeded performance by the missions of foreign legal entities of their duties in accordance with the Labor Code," he said.



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