12:11 27.05.2020

NABU prevents losses of UAH 80 mln could have been caused to United Mining-Chemical Company

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NABU prevents losses of UAH 80 mln could have been caused to United Mining-Chemical Company

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) has initiated the seizure of around 20,000 tonnes of titanium ore of private joint-stock company United Mining-Chemical Company, which manages Vilnohirsk state mining and metallurgical combine (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Irshansk state mining and processing combine (Zhytomyr region), which prevented plans of a foreign intermediary to export the ore without paying for it.

The NABU said in a Tuesday press release that thanks to joint efforts of NABU, Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutors Office (SAPO) and new leadership of the strategic state-owned enterprise (fully owned by the state) it was managed to prevent the loss of around UAH 80 million that could have been caused to United Mining-Chemical Company.

"This is another convincing example that the cooperation of law enforcement authorities and top management of state-owned enterprises is an important tool in combating corruption," the press service said.

At the same time, the NABU was informed about the intention of the foreign intermediary company (from the UAE) to export 20,000 tonnes of titanium ore (ilmenite concentrate) from the Odesa Maritime Merchandise Port without payment on 22 May this year by the newly appointed management of United Mining-Chemical Company. Based on the contracts concluded by the previous management, this ore were transferred to a little-known intermediary company with offshore status, which outstanding receivables to United Mining-Chemical Company amounted to approximately UAH 400 million.

Therefore, under a written decision of the director of the National Bureau, in order to ensure the safety of material evidence, pursuant to Part 9 of Article 170 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine, on May 22, almost 20,000 tonnes of ilmenite concentrate were seized. In the future, as required by law, at the request of the SAPO, a petition was filed with the High Anti-Corruption Court, which on May 26 made the corresponding decision.



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