16:56 24.10.2017

Ukrainian Sea Port Authority announces tender to build new berth at Mykolaiv port

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Ukrainian Sea Port Authority announces tender to build new berth at Mykolaiv port

The Ukrainian Sea Port Authority has announced a tender to build new berth No. 8 in the Mykolaiv seaport.

The press service of the authority reported that the announcement was posted in the ProZorro e-system on October 20, 2017.

The expected cost of works is UAH 317 million.

The length of the berth will be 220.66 meters, depth near the berth will be 10.5 meters with a prospect of increasing it to 13 meters.

"The project envisages construction of a berth and dredging works near it. Thus, the Ukrainian Sea Port Authority will boost the capacity of the Mykolaiv port, being among top three largest ports in freight turnover in the country. The new berth is new opportunities and new projects required for the further development of the Mykolaiv port and the region," Ukrainian Sea Port Authority Head Raivis Veckagans said.

Resident and nonresident companies are invited to take part in the tender.

Bids can be submitted until November 20, 2017.


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