Ukrainians buy about $210 mln more currency than sell in March – NBU

Net sales of cash currency by the population of Ukraine in March 2020 amounted to approximately $70 million, and net purchase of non-cash currency some $280 million, the National Bank (NBU) cited the data in a macroeconomic and monetary review on its website.
According to the report, in February, the net sale of cash currency by Ukrainians amounted to $291 million, non-cash currency about $55 million, and in January $102 million and $55 million respectively.
The National Bank also indicates that the customers of Ukrainian banks in March 2020 increased the volume of currency purchases from $6.27 billion to about $7.3 billion, while its sales decreased from $5.872 billion to $4.7 billion.
According to the NBU information, in March the purchase of foreign exchange on a forward basis reached a record volume of about $500 million compared with $15 million in February and $134 million in January.