18:28 23.03.2020

Fall of industrial production in Ukraine slows down to 1.5% in Feb 2020 – statistics

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Fall of industrial production in Ukraine slows down to 1.5% in Feb 2020 – statistics

Industrial production in Ukraine in February 2020 decreased by 1.5% compared to February 2019, while in January the figure was 5.1%, and in December 2019 some 7.7%, the State Statistics Service has said.

At the same time, the agency said that with the adjustment to the effect of calendar days, industrial production in February 2020 decreased by 4.1% compared to February 2019.

The service said that industrial production in February from January this year increased by 0.4%, however, taking into account the seasonal factor, it decreased by 0.2%.

The decline in processing industry in February 2020 from February 2019 was 0.4%, in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning some 1.8%, in mining and quarrying some 4.1%.

In general, over the two months of this year, industrial production in Ukraine was down by 3.1% compared to the same period last year.

As reported, industrial production in Ukraine in 2019 decreased by 0.5% compared to 2018.



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