17:08 26.05.2022

Mobile hospitals can temporarily replace destroyed ones – opinion

2 min read

KYIV. May 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Mobile hospitals can temporarily provide medical care to communities where hospitals were destroyed as a result of hostilities, Artem Honcharenko, President of the International Technology Transfer Association and the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine, has said.

"The creation of mobile hospitals, mobile operating rooms can ensure the operation of an almost full-fledged hospital based on a gym or any building, and tent camps can also be deployed, including in a simplified form. Until the stage of hospital recovery comes, such mobile hospitals will provide primary and secondary care," Honcharenko said during a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

The deployment time of the mobile hospital is only 40 minutes, they are designed to receive 150 patients per day, Oleksiy Honcharov, head of the international relations department of the public organization Kontramarka Help, has said.

"According to our estimates, about 40 such hospitals are needed throughout Ukraine. Of course, the more of them, the better. Currently, there is a serious problem with destroyed hospitals, so mobile hospitals can come to different cities to provide medical care," he explained.

The Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine (https://rdua.eu/) was established in April 2022 at the initiative of the International Technology Transfer Association and the I-Dolina start-up platform to organize and deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

NGO Kontramarka Help (https://www.kontramarka.help/) was founded by the creators of automation products for ticket services mticket, esport, Kontramarka for humanitarian aid to the army, territorial defense, hospitals.