Experts call effective dialogue with Trump as most important task of Ukrainian diplomacy

The implementation of an effective dialogue with the newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump is the most urgent task for Ukrainian diplomacy, Ukrainian experts have said.
According to the results of an expert survey conducted by the Razumkov Center and the Public Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on November 11-15 and presented at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Friday, 82.6% of respondents hold this opinion.
Some 78.3% named the most urgent task as ensuring conditions for the practical opening of the negotiation process on Ukraine's accession to the EU, 71% - strengthening the coalition of countries supporting Ukraine in countering Russian aggression, 63.8% - accelerating integration with NATO.
The holding of the second World Summit was called the most urgent task for diplomacy by the least – only 15.9% of respondents.
At the same time, 42% of the experts surveyed named the organization and holding of the Peace Summit in Switzerland based on the Ukrainian Peace Formula among the most important foreign policy actions of Kyiv in 2024.
Some 85.5% of experts called the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission to open the negotiation process on Ukraine's accession to the EU the most important this year, whereas 43.5% called the holding of Ukraine-EU sessions on compliance with Ukrainian legislation with EU law.
The conclusion of arms supply agreements with the governments of other countries was named the most important foreign policy actions of Ukraine this year by 52.2% of respondents, and the approval of the reform plan within the framework of the macro–financial assistance tool Ukraine Facility by 49.3% of experts.
The expert survey was conducted within the framework of the project dubbed "Expert and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the context of the development of public diplomacy and strengthening the dialogue between government and society", which is supported by the representative office of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation. Sixty-nine experts from different regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv were interviewed: MPs, representatives of ministries, regional authorities, state and non-governmental research structures, teachers of higher educational institutions, independent experts, scientists.