Intensive care units at two Ivano-Frankivsk hospitals full – municipal authorities

All beds in intensive care departments of the Central Clinical Hospital and the First Clinical Hospital of Ivano-Frankivsk are occupied, Head of the Healthcare Department of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council Maria Boiko has said.
"Unfortunately, we have nine patients in emergency care units in both hospitals. Almost all intensive care beds at the Central Clinical Hospital are occupied by patients in serious condition, and, unfortunately, there are no vacant beds in the intensive care unit. The same situation is at the First Clinical Hospital – all beds are occupied by patients in serious condition," Boiko said during a meeting of the city council on Tuesday.
According to her, 14 people with pneumonia were hospitalized to the Central Clinical Hospital and four – to the First Clinical Hospital in the past 24 hours. However, the number of new hospitalized patients is always small at the beginning of week, and it usually grows to 26-30 people in the middle of week.