20:44 01.12.2023

Deficit of general fund of Ukraine's state budget in Nov jumps to UAH 162.5 bln

2 min read
Deficit of general fund of Ukraine's state budget in Nov jumps to UAH 162.5 bln

The state budget deficit of Ukraine in November 2023 reached a record UAH 145.1 billion for this year, compared to UAH 98.4 billion in October and UAH 87.0 billion in September, such operational data from the State Treasury was reported by the Ministry of Finance on Friday.

The general fund deficit jumped to UAH 162.5 billion from UAH 87.7 billion in October and UAH 85.6 billion in September.

The Ministry of Finance said that cash expenditures of the state budget in November increased to UAH 337.9 billion after falling to UAH 292.1 billion in October from UAH 444.8 billion in September.

For the general fund, expenses increased to UAH 286.3 billion from UAH 228.1 billion in October and UAH 230.2 billion in September.

As the Ministry of Finance said, in November 2023, revenues to the general fund of the state budget decreased to UAH 121.7 billion from UAH 139.4 billion in October and UAH 144.1 billion in September, while U.S. grant international assistance, which in the previous two months came to UAH 42-45.7 billion, was absent.

If the State Tax Service exceeded the plan by 0.9%, or UAH 0.8 billion, then the State Customs Service met it by 78%, or UAH 9.3 billion less, while a month earlier customs officers lagged behind the plan by only 1.6%, or UAH 0.7 billion. The Ministry of Finance said this situation is linked to the blockade of the Ukrainian border by Polish truckers that began on November 6.

In general, in January-November this year, cash expenditures of the state budget reached UAH 3.452 trillion, including the general fund - UAH 2.623 trillion, or 93% of the target, compared to 95.1% a month earlier.

State budget receipts in January-November reached UAH 2.397 trillion, including the general fund - UAH 1.536 trillion, of which UAH 404.9 billion was international grant assistance (UAH 398.5 billion from the United States).

In January-November, the state budget had a deficit of UAH 1.045 trillion, including the general fund - UAH 1.086 trillion versus the planned deficit of UAH 1.713 trillion for the general fund.