18:19 03.07.2024

Ukrainian Red Cross to hold Intl exercises of volunteers of rapid response units

2 min read

On Friday, July 5, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) will open the International exercises of volunteers of rapid response units dubbed "10 years together."

"This year, more than 150 representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross rapid response units from all over the country will come together for training and exchange of experience, and they will be joined by teams of volunteers from the Italian and Spanish Red Cross Societies to jointly practice emergency response," the Ukrainian Red Cross wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

Currently, 600 volunteers are working in the rapid response units of the Ukrainian Red Cross.

"Today they are among the first to arrive at the sites of shelling and other emergencies to save the lives of Ukrainians. They help people in the most ‘hot spots’ of our country, evacuate from under fire and transport people with limited mobility to safer places. They deliver humanitarian aid to those who need it most," the Ukrainian Red Cross noted.

The opening of the international exercises will be attended by President of the Ukrainian Red Cross Mykola Polischuk, Director General of the Ukrainian Red Cross Maksym Dotsenko, head of the Emergency Response Service of the Ukrainian Red Cross Taras Lohinov.

Representatives of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and government agencies will also take part in the exercises.

The first volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross rapid response units appeared 10 years ago during the Revolution of Dignity.