10:32 20.09.2024

URCS accepts applications for participation in project to support entrepreneurs

2 min read

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) has begun accepting applications for participation in the REDpreneurUA project to develop business skills and support entrepreneurs.

"REDpreneurUA is a program launched by the Austrian Red Cross [Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz] to develop business skills and support entrepreneurs who want to change the world. In Ukraine, it opens up a unique opportunity for Ukrainian entrepreneurs not only to start their own business, but also to contribute to the country's economic recovery," the URCS reported on Facebook.

On Friday, the first recruitment of candidates started, who will undergo free training in all aspects of running a business - from the conception of an idea to its successful implementation.

Requirements for candidates include age from 18 to 59 years, residence in Ukraine, belonging to one of the categories of vulnerable population (internally displaced persons, people with disabilities, women in difficult life circumstances, guardians, single parents, unemployed, and veterans), and availability of stable Internet to complete the program.

To participate in the project, you also need to have a business idea, which trainers and mentors will help turn into a detailed business plan.

Priority in selection will be given to participants seeking to establish a new business and create new employment opportunities, as well as entrepreneurs planning to launch startups or social businesses aimed at the restoration and development of Ukraine.

The REDpreneurUA program is distinguished by its innovative approach to training, combining theory with practice in cooperation with leading business incubators and schools. With the support of such partners, participants will be able to gain access to advanced business practices and create innovative solutions for the restoration of the country.

The project partner is School of ME - a school of conscious entrepreneurship that creates value changes in the business environment of Ukraine.

Registration for participation in the project runs from September 19 to October 20, 2024 at the link.