Analysis of implementation of target program for preventing and countering violence in Kyiv in 2022-2024 — Kyiv City Center for Gender Equality, Prevention, Counteraction to Violence

During two and a half years of implementation in Kyiv of the first in Ukraine urban targeted program for the prevention and counteraction of violence, 11,848 people turned to the helpline for help, 5,040 people turned to Day centers for social and psychological assistance, 1,997 customers registered five mobile teams, 506 people used the services of staying in safe places of assistance, 113 more people received assistance using the case management method.
This is evidenced by the data of the analysis of the Kyiv City Center for Gender Equality, Prevention and Counteraction to Violence, which were presented to the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Wednesday.
In the annual dynamics, the social services of specialized services within the framework of the program were covered: in 2022 - 3,444 people, in 2023 — 6,069 people. At the same time, in the first six months of 2024, the number of victims amounted to 9, 211 people.
According to experts on the prevention of gender-based violence, the program pays special attention to the day center for social and psychological assistance, today there are two such centers in Kyiv. The centers operate in a single window mode, where one can get comprehensive help "here and now" in one place. The centers provide psychological, social and legal services to women, men and children.
The program also ensures that victims stay in crisis response rooms and shelters, where they are provided with privacy, care by social workers and an inclusive approach. If in 2022, 153 people used the services of shelters, then in 11 months of 2024 there were already 264 such victims. It is noted that shelters and crisis response rooms can accommodate up to 40 people at the same time.
The Kyiv City Center for Gender Equality, Prevention and Counteraction to Violence noted that they plan to open another day center in 2025. It is also planned to create new teams of socio-psychological assistance and the introduction and testing of case management.
Separately, the center's specialists noted a pilot project to support military families, launched at the end of 2023. The Center identified three main focus groups: people in waiting; people whose relatives have already returned to their families and people who have lost loved ones. During this time, more than 2,000 people made visits through the program.
Specialists in the prevention of gender-based violence focus on the implementation of measures to prevent gender-based violence, which will include information campaigns to prevent and counter gender-based violence, including for various target audiences (youth, students, young mothers, owners of medical institutions, etc.), as well as events and performances for the annual All-Ukrainian action "16 days against violence."