Parliament adopts bill on improving selection of judges

The Verkhovna Rada has improved the judicial career procedure.
The adoption of bill No. 10140-d was supported at the final reading by 244 MPs at a plenary session on Saturday, Yaroslav Zhelezniak, a member of the Holos parliamentary faction, said.
"The Rada adopted, at the final reading, [bill] No. 10140d on improving the procedures for a judicial career... It is also a recommendation from the European Commission and [concerns] MFA," he wrote in his Telegram channel.
The bill provides for a change in the deadline by which a judge shall annually file a declaration of family ties and a declaration of virtue – from February 1 to May 1.
The document also regulates the rule according to which a person who is a member of the High Council of Justice (HCJ) or the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJU) cannot apply for the position of judge. Moreover, the restrictions apply not only to the period of holding these positions, but also to one year after dismissal or termination of powers.
In addition, the law authorizes the Supreme Court to approve uniform indicators for assessing virtue and professional ethics of a judge (candidate for this position) after agreement with the HQCJU, the Council of Judges of Ukraine and the Public Council of Virtue.
Most of the provisions of the law will come into force the next day after its publication in the Holos Ukrainy parliamentary newspaper.