11:16 27.11.2023

Investigation into helicopter crash in Brovary completed; deaths caused by violations of safety rules for operation of air transport – SBI

2 min read
Investigation into helicopter crash in Brovary completed; deaths caused by violations of safety rules for operation of air transport – SBI

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) officers completed the investigation into the helicopter crash on January 18, 2023 in Brovary, Kyiv region, in which the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine killed, opened the case materials for review by the suspects and their defenders, as well as the victims and their legal representatives.

"The investigation established that officials committed blatant violations of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, which led to the death of people," the SBI said on its website on Monday.

Investigators reconstructed the day of the accident minute by minute, including deciphering the "black boxes" of the crashed helicopter, and involved foreign experts and representatives of the French company that manufactured the helicopter.

"It was established that in January 2023, a visit was planned by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Despite the warning of internal instructions and legal requirements, State Emergency Service officials engaged a helicopter to transport the delegation, which was on duty to respond to potential emergencies in Kyiv and region. The aircraft did not have permits to perform other types of flights,"according to the statement.

When preparing for the flight, the crew commander was not informed about the meteorological data along the planned route; the crew did not have the appropriate clearances to fly in difficult weather conditions, but none of the officials cancelled the flight or rescheduled it until more favourable weather conditions.

"Due to difficult weather conditions, the helicopter was forced to fly at an extremely low altitude, which is even less than the height of the buildings along the route. The crew commander saw an obstacle – a multi-story building and began to fly around, but rose sharply, lost orientation in space and upon completion maneuver, due to the lack of necessary skills, caused a collision with the ground. When it fell, the helicopter damaged a kindergarten, neighboring buildings and parked cars," the SBI said.

Following the review, the materials will be submitted to the court.