15:28 22.08.2023

Zelenskyy discusses development of defense cooperation with PM of North Macedonia

1 min read

During a working visit to Athens, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovačevski.

"I am grateful to North Macedonia for political and military support, preparation of a new defense package. We discussed the development of defense cooperation during a meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski," Zelenskyy wrote on his Telegram channel.

In addition, the President of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of Macedonia agreed to coordinate steps towards a common goal - joining the EU.

According to Zelenskyy's press service, the leaders also discussed the situation on the battlefield. The President of Ukraine drew attention to the increase in production of missiles by Russia using Western components.

The head of the Ukrainian state thanked the head of the government of North Macedonia for the unwavering and principled support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.