11:56 01.07.2023

Zelenskyy puts into effect NSDC decision on strengthening responsibility for corruption in courts

2 min read
Zelenskyy puts into effect NSDC decision on strengthening responsibility for corruption in courts

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy by decree put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) on strengthening criminal liability for corruption in the field of justice.

Corresponding decree No. 359 was published on the website of the head of state.

"In accordance with Article 107 of the Constitution of Ukraine, I decree to introduce the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated June 23, 2023 ‘On accelerating judicial reform and overcoming corruption in the justice system’ (attached)," the text of the decree says.

It is noted that control over the execution of the decision is entrusted to Secretary of the NSDC Oleksiy Danilov.

The decree comes into force from the date of its publication.

The decision states that the NSDC decided to appeal to the subjects of the right of legislative initiative on the need to consider the issue of making the following changes:

- to the Criminal Code of Ukraine in terms of strengthening criminal liability for corruption criminal offenses in the field of justice, providing for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 10 to 15 years with confiscation of property;

- to the Criminal Procedure Code in terms of strengthening the role of the institution of trial by jury and expanding the cases of its application;

- to the laws of Ukraine "On the judicial system and the status of judges" and "On the Supreme Council of Justice".

It is also noted that the NSDC recommends the Verkhovna Rada to accelerate the adoption of a draft law on amendments to some laws of Ukraine on the resumption of consideration of cases on disciplinary responsibility of judges and ensuring the work of the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors of the Supreme Council of Justice (register No. 9261).

In addition, the NSDC calls on the Rada to adopt a bill on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine on clarifying the provisions on the competitive selection of candidates for the post of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (No. 9322).

In turn, the Cabinet of Ministers should prepare a concept for further reform of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

It should also consider and resolve the issue of the formation of a court in Ukraine with competence to protect the rights of investors and investments, as indicated in the text of the decision.