16:59 11.07.2022

Law on Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025 comes into force

3 min read
Law on Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025 comes into force

The law on the Anti-Corruption Strategy of Ukraine until 2025 came into force on Sunday, after its publication in the Holos Ukrainy parliamentary newspaper on Saturday.

As the National Agency for the Corruption Prevention (NACP) informed on the Telegram, the NACP with the government, the public and business have already started working together to develop a state program to implement the Anti-Corruption Strategy. It will identify specific tasks to overcome corruption and the authorities responsible for their implementation. The NACP will ensure the most inclusive process.

In addition, the NACP will develop a special IT tool so that the public can monitor the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy.

The law was adopted by Parliament on June 20 and signed by the President of Ukraine on July 7.

The anti-corruption strategy consists of four sections. The first of them is devoted to the concept of forming an anti-corruption policy in Ukraine in the next five years. The remaining sections of the document contain a description of certain problems and expectations of strategic results that should be achieved to solve them.

As noted in the law, the Anti-Corruption Strategy will contribute to ensuring the coherence and consistency of anti-corruption activities of all state authorities and local self-government bodies.

According to the document, the optimization of the functions of the state and local self-government provides for the elimination of duplication of powers by different bodies, the temporary termination of the implementation of ineffective powers, which are characterized by a high level of corruption risks. The strategy also provides for the digital transformation of the exercise of powers by state and local authorities, transparency of activities and openness of data.

It also provides for the need to ensure the inevitability of legal liability for corruption and corruption-related offenses.

According to the adopted law, a working group on anti-corruption policy (coordination working advisory group) will be created at the NACP as a body co-chaired by the head of the NACP and the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The personal composition of the working group is approved by the government, in particular, by consent, deputies will be able to enter it. Its main tasks are to facilitate the coordination of actions of state authorities on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and the implementation of measures of the state anti-corruption program.

The Verkhovna Rada will annually hold parliamentary hearings on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy no later than June 1. At the same time, the NACP undertakes to develop a new draft Anti-Corruption Strategy no later than August 1 of the year in which the previous one ends. In addition, the National Agency must annually inform the Cabinet of Ministers by April 1 about the results of the implementation of measures of the state anti-corruption program to implement the Anti-Corruption Strategy.