16:25 28.06.2022

Zelensky: Constitution of Ukraine is our detailed portrait

3 min read
Zelensky: Constitution of Ukraine is our detailed portrait

The Constitution of Ukraine is our "detailed portrait," President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video message dedicated to Constitution Day.

"The norms of the Constitution make it possible to decipher the genetic code of our nation. Find the answer to two main questions: what is Ukraine and who are the Ukrainians? This is our detailed portrait. And especially now, during a full-scale war, its main features are clearly visible," he said.

"We passed the Basic Law of the state 26 years ago. 26 years later, defending our state is the basic law for us," the president said.

According to him, "the principles of its adoption 26 years ago are the principles of our struggle now. They explain why and what we are fighting for. This is the right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination, the universally approved independence of Ukraine, the irreversibility of the path to Europe. This is the responsibility to God, to one's own conscience, to previous, present, and future generations."

"We didn't start the war, we were not the first to shoot and we were not the first to attack. We defend Ukraine, which is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social and legal state. Taking up arms, we did not hesitate, as at a crossroads. We did not choose whether to defend the first article of the Constitution or to adhere to the first commandment of God. God is on our side, he says that defending your home from evil is not a sin," Zelensky said.

"Our sovereignty extends to the entire territory. We are a unitary state. Our territory within the existing borders is integral and inviolable. That is why in the east and west, in the south, in the north and in the center, our people are heroically fighting for these principles and for the second article of our Constitution. Repelling the second army of the world. Which is indifferent to all the threats and risks of World War III," the president said.

"We will fight for every meter of our land to the last breath. Because only the people can change the constitutional order in Ukraine, the president said, noting that "we know the term ‘democracy’ well, so we don't know what the fifth term is."

"Our right to protest, assembly and manifestation is a constitutional article, and for others it is a criminal one," Zelensky said. According to him, state symbols are not symbolic or formal for us. "Our coat of arms is a sign of the Princely State of Volodymyr the Great. This is a trident. Not two-headed birds. Because this is not going to fly here."

He remembered the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk, which is 300 years old. "It will be translated from Latin into Ukrainian, and tens of thousands of copies will be sent to Ukrainian schools! We are sure that sooner or later the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk, the Constitution of independent Ukraine, and other subjects of the Ukrainian school will be studied by our happy and smiling children - in Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol, Kherson, Crimea!"