Some 3,818 Ukrainian civilians die due to Russian aggression, over 4,000 people injured - PGO

According to the data recorded by the Prosecutor General's office, as of April 25, some 3,818 civilians were killed in Ukraine, more than 4,000 people were injured, Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova said.
In an exclusive interview with the Interfax-Ukraine agency, speaking about the estimated number of dead Ukrainian civilians, Venediktova noted that the figure available to the prosecutor's office is just as incorrect as the one given in the UN statistics, since it does not include the blocked Mariupol and those places in Kyiv region, where the prosecutor's office cannot enter yet.
"Our numbers also do not quite correspond to reality. How do prosecutors work? We, pardon me, must have a body that we identify as a civilian. Then we say that a civilian has died in our country. Therefore, today, based on the information provided by each regional prosecutor's office, we have 3,818 dead. More than 4,000 were wounded [the data is corrected as of the morning of April 25]," the Prosecutor General said.
"We first counted from criminal proceedings, the figure was even less. Now we are counting from the Ministry of Health, from morgues. We manually collect information on dead and injured children. After we learned about the boy who was killed on February 28 with a part from a shell in his chest, every morning and every evening starts with a report on the country regarding children," the Prosecutor General said.