17:35 29.03.2022

Leading world lawyers join working group on accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine – PGO

2 min read
Leading world lawyers join working group on accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine – PGO

The world's leading lawyers, human rights experts, joined the international legal Working Group on accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO) has reported.

The Working Group will provide support to Ukraine in ensuring justice for the victims of international crimes committed by Russia on the territory of the country.

"It is composed of the world's leading human rights lawyers: Amal Clooney, Crown Counsel Richard Hermer, Crown Counsel Tim Otty, Philippa Webb, Baroness Helena Kennedy who are Chair of the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute, and Lord David Neuberger, former President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom," the PGO said.

The Working Group will also include legal experts from Covington & Burling LLP from the United States, led by Nikhil Gore, French firm Sygna Partners, led by Luke Vidal, and Withers, led by Emma Lindsay.

"Each of them already represents the interests of Ukraine, including in the case of Covington and Sygna in the International Court of Justice," the PGO said.

The Working Group will also receive the support of leading scholars in international humanitarian law, including Professor Marko Milanovic (University of Nottingham) and Professor Andrew Clapham (Geneva Academic Institute), as well as the Center for International Dispute Resolution at King's College London, the Clooney Foundation for Justice and the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute.

All members of the Working Group, as well as lawyers and scientists who will provide support, will perform their work without remuneration.

The Group's remit will include advising on accountability, including through the United Nations and regional organizations.

It will also provide advice and potential representation in civil and criminal cases, including those subject to laws of universal jurisdiction, to ensure accountability and obtain reparations in national jurisdictions.

In addition, the Working Group will provide strategic guidance on Ukraine's cooperation with the International Criminal Court.

The technology partner of the Working Group will be Microsoft Corporation. It will provide free technological assistance to protect, analyze and share evidence of international crimes with the authorities.

"We are grateful to this powerful group for providing support to Ukraine. Its assistance and recommendations will be an invaluable contribution to the process of ensuring justice for Ukrainian victims and restoring our state," Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova said.