09:16 28.03.2022

Some 143 children killed due armed aggression of Russia, another 216 injured – PGO

1 min read

A total of 143 children have been killed and 216 have been injured during full-scale hostilities on the territory of Ukraine led by Russia.

"Children suffered the most in Kyiv - 67, Kharkiv - 49, Donetsk - 53, Chernihiv - 38, Mykolaiv - 30, Luhansk - 27, Zaporizhia - 21, Kherson region - 24, Kyiv city - 16, Zhytomyr - 15 and Sumy - 14 regions," the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) said.

Due to bombing and shelling, 733 educational institutions have been damaged. 74 of them are completely destroyed. The worst situation is in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson, Chernihiv regions and the city of Kyiv.

"These data are not final, since there is no opportunity to inspect the places of shelling in the areas of active hostilities and in the temporarily occupied territories," the PGO said.