12:00 16.03.2022

Humanitarian corridor, evacuation from Izyum thwarted through Russian side fault – dpty mayor

1 min read
Humanitarian corridor, evacuation from Izyum thwarted through Russian side fault – dpty mayor

Efforts to create a humanitarian corridor and evacuate the population from Izyum, Kharkiv region, have been thwarted.

According to Deputy Mayor Volodymyr Matsokin, since the evening of March 15, Kharkiv Regional Military Administration has agreed on a humanitarian corridor and the evacuation of the population.

"Izyum Mayor Valeriy Marchenko and all of us formed a convoy of buses, humanitarian aid of a diverse nature was prepared (water, baby food, canned food, bread...). But the humanitarian convoy, which was supposed to evacuate the Izyum residents in the opposite direction, through the fault of the Russian side, was thwarted. Consent was not granted. The column did not move," Matsokin said on his Facebook page.

"We hope that the situation will change in the near future and people will receive the long-awaited help," he said.