15:09 22.12.2021

Interior Ministry working on creation of single Service Center for maintenance of helicopters

2 min read
Interior Ministry working on creation of single Service Center for maintenance of helicopters

On Wednesday, December 22, a meeting was held between the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the executive authorities regarding the creation in Ukraine of a single Service Center for the maintenance of helicopters, which will allow the repair and modernization of French-made Airbus helicopters.

"We need to agree on scheduled repairs of French helicopters in service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Separately, we must complete all procedures so that the Service Center finally becomes a Service Center. That is, we need to coordinate all issues with the documentation so that we can independently service our equipment," the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quoted the minister as saying.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Serhiy Honcharov added that Nizhyn is the main base for servicing, the entire infrastructure for heavy helicopters H-225 has been created there, but other types of helicopters can also be serviced at this base.

"The main base of police services will be the town of Kaniv. For the State Border Guard Service, these are Odesa and Kharkiv, the corresponding infrastructure will be created there. Olexandriia is the main base for the location of the air forces of the National Guard of Ukraine," he said.

Honcharov said that from next year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will use the training base of the Kremenchuk Flight College, which received materials, equipment layouts, whose instructors were trained at the Airbus plant in France.

"In addition, French instructors will come to Ukraine to give consultations," he stressed.