12:06 14.01.2021

Maliuska calls start of ECHR's consideration of Ukraine's case against Russia regarding Crimea as victory

2 min read
Maliuska calls start of ECHR's consideration of Ukraine's case against Russia regarding Crimea as victory

Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Maliuska regarded the transition to the consideration by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on the merits of Ukraine's case against the Russian Federation on the occupation of the Crimean peninsula as an intermediate victory in a series of cases of Ukraine against Russia in this court.

"It is a victory! The first interim victory in a series of cases of Ukraine against Russia in the ECHR! Today the ECHR announced a decision by which it recognized the case of Ukraine against Russia (in Crimea) as admissible and proceeded to consider the case on the merits," Maliuska wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

According to him, there are several important aspects in the case: legal, communication and in countering the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation.

"Legal: step by step we prove by court decisions the facts of aggression and criminal behavior of the Russian Federation on the territory of our state. Court decisions are not political statements. Sooner or later, such decisions will have legal consequences for the top officials of the aggressor country. Communication: we, and the Council of Europe, give a powerful message that Crimea remains our priority, we remember everything and will overtake all those involved," the minister wrote.

He also said the ECHR's decision is a powerful legal blow to the mythology used by the Russian Federation in a hybrid war. "In countering the hybrid war, Russia supports the myth of the 'peaceful' and 'legitimate' 'annexation' of Crimea. The myth, of course, is primarily for their internal use. But they are trying to promote it at the international stage [...] Crimea is a history of armed aggression and gross violations of human rights, not a 'referendum' and 'peaceful expression of will'," Maliuska said.