18:31 30.04.2020

Deadlines to register for Unified entrance exam on foreign language, Unified professional entrance test postponed, registration to be carried out online - Education Ministry

1 min read
Deadlines to register for Unified entrance exam on foreign language, Unified professional entrance test postponed, registration to be carried out online - Education Ministry

Registration for the Unified entrance exam on a foreign language and the Unified professional entrance test have been postponed and will last from May 12 to June 5, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reports.

The corresponding letter was sent to the heads of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions that provide training for masters.

"Given the situation with the spread of coronavirus, registration for the Unified entrance exam on a foreign language and the Unified professional entrance test will take place completely online. The Ministry has developed and published detailed step-by-step instructions on how selection committees are to collect, process and register documents received," said Yehor Stadny, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science.