18:46 08.04.2020

Cs-137 concentration in Kyiv's air after brushfires in Chornobyl zone are safe – Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

1 min read
Cs-137 concentration in Kyiv's air after brushfires in Chornobyl zone are safe – Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

The maximum concentration of radiocaesium (Cs-137) in the air in northwestern areas of Kyiv on Wednesday will not exceed acceptable safe indicators, experts at the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety predict have said.

"According to predictive calculations of the potential concentration of Cs-137 in the near-earth layer of atmospheric air in the north-western part of Kyiv, the maximum values could reach 1.0-2.0 mBq/m3 from 13:00 to 15:00 on April 08, 2020," the center said.

Moreover, the information notes that according to the radiation safety standards of Ukraine the permissible concentration of Cs-137 is set at 800 mBq/m3.

According to GFS NOAA (USA) global weather forecast data, on April 8, the wind direction in the Kyiv region is variable.

As noted, employees of the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety conducted a series of predictive estimates of the spread of a potentially contaminated cloud caused by a fire in the Chernobyl zone.

The initial forecast data are presented on the official websites of GAZO and the State Emergency Service as of 10:00 on April 8. For modeling, the RODOS decision support system was used.