10:30 16.04.2019

Poroshenko not satisfied with quality of investigation into deaths of Heavenly Hundred

1 min read
Poroshenko not satisfied with quality of investigation into deaths of Heavenly Hundred

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said he is not satisfied with the investigation of crimes against protesters in 2013 and 2014.

"I am not satisfied with the investigation of the deaths or murders of the Heavenly Hundred. I say this publicly. I know who is in charge of the investigation… and I declare – the surname of this chief prosecutor is Horbatiuk," Poroshenko said during the Freedom of Speech program aired on ICTV on Monday evening.

Poroshenko said Serhiy Horbatiuk is personally responsible for the quality of the investigation.

"He has worked actively with the families of the Heavenly Hundred and civil activists, but I need a result, in order that those responsible are in jail," Poroshenko said.

The president said there are no time limits for pressing charges.

"We must do everything so justice is restored and evil is punished," Poroshenko said.

As reported, head of the department of special investigations of Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) Horbatiuk has declared that the investigation of crimes against protesters in 2013 and 2014 has not been completed because of lack of support from Ukrainian top officials.