15:28 08.01.2018

Bribes for over UAH 1 mln offered to border guard officers in 2017

1 min read
Bribes for over UAH 1 mln offered to border guard officers in 2017

Last year bribes for over UAH 1 million were offered to border guard officers and the facts were recorded in the unified register of pretrial investigations, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has reported.

"Last year officers of the State Border Guard Service recorded over 1,000 reports about signs of a crime described in Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (giving a bribe) and sent them to the National Police for adding them to the unified register of pretrial investigations. The total sum proposed to the border guard officers was over UAH 1 million," the authority said on Sunday, January 7.

According to the report, in 2018, a new attempt of giving a bribe to border guard officers at the Bachevsk checkpoint (Sumy region) was recorded.