
SBI conducting searches at homes of Poroshenko's former security head, his deputy - European Solidarity

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) officers came to the home with unexpected searches to the former head of the security service of the fifth president of Ukraine (2014-2019), leader of the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko, Yuriy Fedorov, as well as to his former deputy, the political force’s website reported on Wednesday.

European Solidarity notes that the searches are being carried out without a court order and regards them as a "politically motivated persecution" of Poroshenko.

"It is not known what exactly they want to find in the homes of Fedorov and his former employees in six years. But right now they are being pressured to extract at least some testimony against Poroshenkom... This is the next stage of the use of security forces in political persecution after a series of organized provocations against the leader of the opposition party - attempts to interfere with his parliamentary activities, obstruction of international activities, the introduction of illegal sanctions by Zelenskyy using the National Security and Defense Council, which in fact should be engaged in the defense of the country, the resuscitation and activation of the so-called coal case," the message says.

As reported, on March 11, at the request of the State Bureau of Investigations, the court limited the period for familiarization with the "coal case" for the defendants in the case, including Poroshenko, and their defense attorneys.
