Luxembourg Red Cross renovates department of district hospital in Dnipropetrovsk region (updated)

An infectious diseases department, renovated with the help of the Luxembourg Red Cross, has been opened in the Tsarychanka Central District Hospital of Dnipropetrovsk region, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) reported on Facebook on Tuesday.
“The renovation of the Tsarychanka hospital was very important due to its geographical location and transport connections with the community, which hosted about 5,000 IDPs. The hospital has been completely renovated, new necessary medical furniture and equipment were provided to the hospital for over UAH 12 million. The Luxembourg Red Cross will continue to provide support in providing housing and improving healthcare infrastructure so that Ukrainians have access to quality health services,” said Gulnamo Khudobakshova, Head of the Luxembourg Red Cross Mission in Ukraine, at the opening of the branch.
According to her, the Luxembourg Red Cross has renovated more than 15 hospitals, two Ukrainian Red Cross Society offices and 80 private houses in Dnipropetrovsk region since 2022. She also reported that this year the Luxembourg Red Cross plans to renovate one rehabilitation center, three hospitals and another 100 households in the region.
The Tsarychanka hospital has eight branches and provides services to local residents, residents of four communities and internally displaced persons from Donetsk region.