Ministry presents 5 more services as part Diia's e-Entrepreneur expansion

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, together with the European delegation, presented five more services in beta version as part of the expansion of the e-Entrepreneur service on the Diia portal, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said.
"Today, together with the European delegation, we presented five more services in beta testing format. Now you can also submit: notification of the use of a single account, notification of hiring an employee, an application for registration of a SOR [settlement operations registrar], an application for registration of a PRRO [software registrar of settlement operations], a notification of taxable objects," he said in the Telegram channel on Tuesday.
According to the Deputy Prime Minister, e-Entrepreneur works simply and logically: fill out an application, indicate the type of business – and the service itself offers the most popular services in the specified area.
He said all certificates, extracts and other "papers" are stored on the Diia portal in the personal account, so there is no need to look for printouts in folders on the shelves every time.
As Fedorov said, earlier, to open a business, you had to go to seven or more institutions, collect "kilograms of papers" and spend up to 53 days, while now the entire process does not exceed 30 minutes.
The minister said the service is expanding, since six months ago e-Entrepreneur included ten services for one application – from opening a sole proprietorship to a fire declaration.
"Spend time on what is important – planning strategic tasks, generating ideas or other teamwork, and not on bureaucracy," he said.