URCS to construct modular town for IDPs in Sumy

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) is starting construction of a modular town for internally displaced persons in Sumy.
"This is the fourth such project in the country, which is being implemented by the Ukrainian Red Cross. It is important for us to support people who have lost their homes. Our volunteers and employees are actively working in Sumy region, so we are well aware of the acute needs of people - it is for these reasons that we are starting to build a modular town here," URCS Director General Maksym Dotsenko said at the ceremony to begin construction.
As reported by the Communications and Marketing Department of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, the first stage of construction involves laying the foundation and communications, erecting two two-story houses with 32 apartments, and arranging a shelter. After completion of construction, the apartments will be furnished and equipped with furniture and appliances.
"No one can work in isolation in projects of this type. Therefore, successful completion depends on the consolidated efforts of all participants – donors, local authorities, contractors. I hope to see the result next year - the first two houses," representative of the Swedish Red Cross in Ukraine Karen Bjornestad said.
According to head of Sumy regional military administration Volodymyr Artiukh, more than 37,000 people have already been evacuated from the border areas of the region and the issue of providing housing for internally displaced persons is extremely urgent.
The first stage of the construction of a town for internally displaced persons in Sumy is being implemented thanks to the financial support of the Swedish Red Cross, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA and the Netherlands Red Cross.