10:24 23.07.2024

Borrell harshly criticizes Orban: it is Putin, not EU, who pursuing pro-war policy

3 min read
Borrell harshly criticizes Orban: it is Putin, not EU, who pursuing pro-war policy

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, sharply criticized the so-called peace mission of the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who accused the EU of supporting Ukraine in repelling Russian aggression, pursuing a "pro-war" policy.

“In order to counter the Russian propaganda and to clarify and to explain everybody around the world what is going on in Russia – attacks against Ukraine. To remind [that] there is an aggressor and an aggressed, that Ukraine is defending and we are supporting Ukraine on defending itself. Let’s stress the position of the European Union, which is and remains – and has been for quite a long [time] - to support Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula, which is the only peace plan in town. Here, in Brussels. The only peace plan that the European Union supports. Let me say it again: Russia is the aggressor in violation of the United Nations Charter, and Ukraine the victim exercising its fundamental right to self defence. It is just telling the truth. The European Union policy is not a “pro-war” policy. We strongly rejected that,” Borrell said at a press conference in Brussels on Monday.

As it is known, it was Orban who, in his letter to the President of the European Union, Charles Michel, called the EU's policy "pro-war."

The High Representative said that the EU had analyzed “statements and actions implemented by the Hungarian Prime Minister.” “With only a single exception, I can say that all Member States, were very much critical about this behaviour. It is Putin who is the war party. The only one who is ‘pro-war’ is Putin, who is calling for Ukraine’s partition and rendition as his ‘pre-conditions’ for any talks and ceasefire. He sends reminders every day, in the form of thousands of missiles, drones and glide bombs, and more military offensives. If you want to talk about the ‘war’ party, talk about Putin. Not about the European Union. Putin is the ‘pro war’ party here,” Borrell said. He did not name the country that is the "single exception."

The High Representative stated that the EU “want peace.” “No one more wants peace more than the Ukrainians themselves. But for a fair, lasting peace, it needs to preserve Ukraine’s freedom and independence, and ensure accountability for the many war crimes that have been happening since the war started. Any so-called ‘peace mission,’ that ignores these basic fundamentals, is, at the end of the day, only benefiting Putin and will not bring peace,” Borrell is convinced.

According to him, 25 Member states “criticised Hungary’s actions, also in light of its responsibilities as rotating Presidency.” “Nearly all Member States insisted on the need to keep unity. I reminded of the duty of loyalty under article 24.3 of the Treaty on European Union which is there not for decoration, it is not there as empty words. Each Member States is sovereign on its foreign policy, [it is] true. But as far as they are members of this club [European Union] they have to obey to the treaties and, in particular, to this article which is asking for loyal cooperation and implementation of the common positions on foreign policy. It is not something that you can do or not; you have to [do it],” the High Representative of the EU stated.