14:24 03.04.2023

Ukraine mulling issue of opening electricity exports to Europe – Minister of Energy

1 min read
Ukraine mulling issue of opening electricity exports to Europe – Minister of Energy

Stabilization of the Ukrainian power system and a certain reserve of capacity make it possible to discuss the issue of opening electricity exports to Europe, Energy Minister Herman Haluschenko has said.

"The issue of opening exports is already on the table today. It is being considered," the minister said during the United News national telethon on Friday.

According to him, depending on the volume of imports, it could bring Ukraine up to $70 million a month and would contribute to the restoration of energy facilities after Russian attacks.

At the same time, the minister of energy said that in the event of a shortage of electricity, Ukraine would refuse to export it.

As reported, the export of electricity was stopped by order of the Minister of Energy made on October 11, 2022 after the start of massive attacks by the Russian Federation on the power system of Ukraine. The capacity authorized by the European association for the cooperation of transmission system operators ENTSO-E for export is 400 MW, for import it is 850 MW.