13:49 14.12.2020

Deposit Guarantee Fund in 2021 to announce seizure of foreign assets of owners of large banks removed from market thanks to intl advisors

1 min read
Deposit Guarantee Fund in 2021 to announce seizure of foreign assets of owners of large banks removed from market thanks to intl advisors

The Deposit Guarantee Fund in 2021 will announce the seizure of foreign assets of the owners of large banks withdrawn from the market thanks to international advisors, Deputy Managing Director of the Fund Viktor Novikov has said.

"Delta Bank, IMEXBANK, National Credit and Finance and Credit. Agreements have already been concluded with them, and it can be said we have been working with legal companies in foreign jurisdictions during one year. We are already going to freeze [assets] of these banks next year, as we can say, the seizure of the assets of persons affiliated to these banks, and this is already a certain success," he said during the year-end summary online conference of the Fund on Monday.

He added that for the Financial Initiative Bank and VAB Bank in the first pool, as well as for Eurobank, Fidobank and Aktabank in the second pool, tenders are being held for the purchase of services from foreign jurisdictions regarding compensation for losses caused to these banks by related parties.

Novikov said that in 2021, tenders are planned for 19 more banks divided into pools.