17:44 23.07.2019

Ukraine submits proposals to future WTO agreement on e-commerce

1 min read
Ukraine submits proposals to future WTO agreement on e-commerce

A delegation from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade presented proposals for the text of a future World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement on e-commerce, the Economic Development and Trade Ministry reported on the results of a meeting of co-authors of a joint statement by WTO members in Geneva on July 15-17.

According to the Ministry, the proposals concerned, in particular, paperless trade, the introduction of which would allow reducing the cost of delivering goods by reducing communication costs and processing paper documents, speeding up payments; open government data; providing free access to the Internet.

"During the meeting, the Ukrainian delegation supported the EU's position on updating the reference document on basic telecommunications. During the debates, the delegation also noted that access to the markets of telecommunications and computing services in Ukraine is open, which contributes to a significant growth of cross-border e-commerce," the ministry said.