U.S. extends agreement with Interpipe suspending antidumping duty in exchange to price liabilities

The U.S. Department of Commerce has expended the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from Ukraine signed in July 2014 with Interpipe Group for one more year.
"The amendment to the Agreement extends the Agreement for one additional year, specifying that the Agreement shall terminate four years after the effective date of the original agreement, on July 10, 2019," the department said in the Federal Register.
According to the report, in November 2017, the Ukrainian signatory producer/exporter Interpipe requested that the Agreement be extended. In H1 2018, the department invited interested parties to comment on the extension request and then decided to extend the Agreement by one year, based on the unique facts and circumstances in Ukraine.
As reported, the Agreement was signed on July 10, 2014 after the results of an antidumping investigation and initially the Agreement was to expire on July 10, 2017, but later it was extended by one more year.