17:46 21.09.2017

Court grants claim of Crimean prosecutor's office to recover over UAH 10 mln from Russian airline

1 min read
Court grants claim of Crimean prosecutor's office to recover over UAH 10 mln from Russian airline

The Economic Court of Kyiv region on September 20, 2017 granted the claim of the prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on recovering more than UAH 10 million from the Russian airline, which carries out daily flights to the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea.

According to the press service of the Crimean prosecutor's office, the airline did not pay for air navigation services in the international airspace over the Black Sea within the Simferopol region of flight information.

"It should be noted that the judicial bodies of the Russian Federation have been involved in consideration of the case in the framework of mutual international legal assistance," the report says.

Thus, the arbitration court of Moscow executed the ruling of the Ukrainian court and handed the defendant a copy of the ruling on the start of a trial and the statement of claim from the prosecutor.

"The proper notification of the airline about the requirements of the Crimean prosecutor's office allows Ukraine to launch a mechanism for recovering these funds from the debtor in the territory of the Russian Federation," Crimean prosecutor Gunduz Mamedov said.