Ukraine to complete harvesting early grains soon, threshes over 30 m tonnes, says Azarov

Ukraine this week will complete the harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops, ahead of the traditional schedule, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov has said.
"The harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops throughout the territory of Ukraine will be completed this week. This year the harvesting campaign took place earlier and faster than usual. It was fully provided with equipment and other necessary materials," he said.
According to the prime minister, Ukraine has threshed more than 30 million tonnes of grain, including nearly 22 million tonnes of wheat, more than seven million tonnes of barley and about 600,000 tonnes of rye.
He confirmed the previously announced forecast that the country this year will harvest more than 57 million tonnes of grain (weight after threshing), which will provide it with the export potential of over 28 million tonnes. At the same time, Azarov noted that the share of food grain in the new yield would be 75%.