What do women need to know about breast cancer to survive?

Liliia Kovalova, breast specialist, oncologist, and oncological surgeon with 22 years of medical experience. She works at the "Oberig" clinic and serves as a volunteer doctor for FRIDA Ukraine
Breast cancer is not just dry numbers and medical statistics. These are millions of lives - women who love, dream, raise children, build careers, and support others. And suddenly they are faced with a diagnosis that frightens even the imagination. Every year, more than 2.3 million women around the world hear these terrible words - “you have breast cancer”. In Ukraine, this figure exceeds 14 thousand, and in the context of war, cancer does not disappear, but only progresses. In general, the number of breast cancer patients under the age of 45 has increased in recent years. For every 10 cases, there are three deaths. We are no exception. In Ukraine, breast cancer ranks first in the structure of morbidity and mortality.
But there is another statistic that gives us hope. If the cancer is detected at the first or second stage, the chance of a full recovery reaches 90%. This means that most women can continue to live a full life if they see a doctor in time. However, fear, lack of information, constant employment, or even the habit of putting off taking care of themselves “for later” prevent women from taking this important step, especially now amidst the large-scale war.
And if this diagnosis is made, we want every woman to know that she is not alone in this struggle. Together with our colleagues and partners, we are working to raise awareness, debunk myths, help overcome fear and teach people how to take care of their health. We conduct information campaigns, organize free examinations, and support women at every stage - from prevention to treatment.
For example, during the initiative of the Ukrainian-Israeli medical volunteer mission FRIDA, hundreds of women had the opportunity to get diagnosed free of charge on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Day in Kyiv. And do you know what was most impressive? Many of them had never been checked before. Some realized for the first time that they were at risk. Others simply did not find time or thought it did not concern them.
But the reality is different. Any woman can get breast cancer, regardless of age, lifestyle or social status. Of course, there are factors that increase the risk. For example, genetic predisposition: mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can significantly increase the likelihood of developing the disease. But there are other reasons that we can influence: a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, obesity, refusal to breastfeed, and constant stress.
It may sound unexpected, but breast cancer is one of those diseases that can be detected on your own in the early stages. It is enough to know what to look for. Signs that should not be ignored include asymmetrical deformation, lumps or nodules in the breast, changes in breast shape or size, pain, nipple discharge, especially with bloody contents, changes in skin color or structure: retraction, swelling, ulceration, as well as pain, swelling of the inguinal or supraclavicular nodes. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, contact your mammologist immediately!
But the best way is prevention and regular checkups:
- Women over 20 years old should visit a mammologist at least once to assess their breast health.
- Up to the age of 40, if there are no risk factors, it is enough to be examined every 2-3 years.
- After 40 years, an annual mammogram or ultrasound is mandatory!
- Women with a high risk (genetic predisposition, family history of cancer) should be examined even more often - once every six months.
And today, the mission of cancer departments and initiatives in Ukraine is not only to organize screening programs, but also to change women's attitudes towards their own health. We want every woman to understand that taking care of herself is not selfishness, but responsibility. It is a chance to live longer, to see children grow up, to make plans, to dream and realize dreams.
I believe that knowledge is power. And when a woman knows how to take care of herself, how to recognize a threat in time, how to act, she gets a chance to live.
Take care of yourself. Your health is the most valuable thing you have. And remember: you are not alone. We are here for you. We are together. We are fighting for every saved life.